As a Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, my calling and passion has always been to add value to people, helping them achieve their highest vision and goals both personally as well as professionally, and that’s exactly what I have the privilege of doing.

So let’s talk today about … GROWTH
I want to share from John Maxwell’s #1 bestselling book “15 Invaluable Laws of Growth”.
The very first Law that John teaches is the Law of Intentionality: Growth Doesn’t Just Happen
Growth has to be an intentional effort on our part.
Intentional Growth Requires
The right way of thinking – your attitude
Learning about your strengths
Tapping into your passion
Discovering your purpose
Developing your skills
Everything in nature was designed to GROW ~ especially YOU!
Want to change your life? Get to GROWING
You see … as you GROW in
Self-awareness à you discover what you’re really made to be
Character à you become a better friend, co-worker, family member
Skills and abilities à you advance in your career, what we all want
John Maxwell says, “You cannot change your life until you change something you DO EVERY DAY.”
Intentional Actions Taken Over Time
Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker, said "You cannot change your DESTINATION overnight, but you CAN CHANGE YOUR DIRECTION overnight!”
Here’s how you can spot a person committed to Intentional Growth a mile away … they
DON’T Fall into Bad Habits … they FIGHT FOR GOOD HABITS
DON’T Talk a Big Game … they FOLLOW THROUGH
What are YOUR strengths?
What is YOUR passion?
What areas of your CHARACTER or SKILLS & ABILITIES should you be working to develop more fully on RIGHT NOW?
If you found this content helpful, we’d love to hear about it. If you would like to dig into these topics deeper, or you think this kind of coaching or training is just what your team needs, reach out to us and let’s talk. It would be our pleasure to custom design a coaching or training program to meet the needs of your specific group.
I hope this added value to you today!